May 9, 2024


Normal is boring

Jurassic Fun With Dinosaur Costume Ideas

Even before your little boys learn about other animals, they will know more about dinosaurs than any other creatures which roam the land – or the land before time, in this case. Looking for a Dinosaur costume to use this coming Halloween is not really difficult. There are a lot made available on the internet.

Most of the Jurassic costume ideas that you will find on the internet are for children. There are also some for pets. It is quite hard looking for something that adults can use. However, with enough patience, you will be able to get something that you can use.

A Sure-Fire Favorite Among the Little Ones

Before you buy a Dinosaur costume for your child you might want to ask him what kind he really likes. There are two basic categories: the predators which love meat and the vegans. Here are some examples:

The T-Rex costume is a green and white camouflage-like jumpsuit, although this do come in other colors as well. Since children will be using these, the suit is comfortable and plush. A character hood can be worn over their heads. It even has spines your kids will admire.

The triceratops is a three-horned herbivore. The costume is equally cute: it comes as bright orange and white. It also has a character hood with the frill and horns that the real thing has. Wear it over your kid’s head and you have a nice little dinosaur this Halloween.

For Your Mangy Mutts

We, humans, should not be the only ones who can enjoy these amazing dino suits. If you are planning to bring your pet as your date this coming Halloween, there are several dino costumes which would work well for them too. There are various kinds of dinosaurs which you can choose from such as the very authentic looking, scaly raptor.

Dino Costumes for Adults

One of the adult dinosaur costume ideas which you should take note of now is Dino. The costume ensemble includes a soft, pink overall, complete with the black prints on the sides, a thick, wagging tail at the back, mitts and coverings for the hands and feet and a Dino character hood. Even the necklace and name tag are included in the set. Besides Dino, the Flintstone’s pets, a very famous dinosaur is Yoshi from the Super Mario game and Tv show.

Take note of the Size

Most of these suits, especially those for adults, come in one standard size. However, the ones for children come in various sizes. For instance, one of the kiddie dinosaur costume described above is available in three sizes: for infants ages 6-12 months, older babies ages 18-24 months and for toddlers 2-4 years old.

And the Price

The price tags of each of these costumes vary, depending on the materials used, the intricacy of the details (e.g. scales, furs) and the manufacturer. Some may cost about $30 at a minimum while others are at $60. Rarely will you find a costume that is over a hundred bucks.

If you really want to find a Dinosaur costume to use on your party, you should spend a bit more time browsing through the net. You just might get lucky finding one which will suit you well.

If you are looking for other costumes such as Tarzan costumes for your kids, have a look online. Another option can be the pilot costume, your children will love it!