February 14, 2025


Normal is boring

How to Send a Press Release That Gets Noticed

Press releases are a great way to effectively get the word out about your business and your website, but you have to know how to send a press release out before you can reap the potential rewards. Regardless of whether or not you are the one who will actively manage and send out your news release, or you are using any of a number of free and pay press release sites, you have to go about it a certain way in order to ensure your success.

Sending a news release out has a lot to do with how it is actually written and prepared. While there is no standard way of sending a release, these tips will help you no matter how you decide to do so:

• Format: This is especially important if you are going to take advantage of the many online press releases distribution services that are currently available. If you do, you need to make sure that you follow the proper format. The style of formatting can vary from place to place, so you have to look at this beforehand. Failure to use the proper format when sending your release with a distribution service will result in your press release not ever seeing the light of day.

• Style: Be sure that your news is not in the style of an advertisement. First of all, nobody wants to look at an advertisement when they think they are going to open a piece of news. This can be agitating and even be considered SPAM. Additionally, if you write press releases that are too much like ads, many of the distribution services will not allow you to submit them in the first place.

• No Attachments: When you are sending a press announcement either to a group of followers you may have or even to different PR publishers, don’t use attachments. Attachments will not be opened by publishers and will be rarely opened, even by your most loyal followers. A press announcement should be sent as the actual piece and should not be difficult to access whatsoever.

• Relevance to Title: Your news release needs to be relevant to its title. Too many people get caught up in coming up with a catchy title and forget that the title and the body need to be one in theme. If you have a catchy title and irrelevant information in the actual press releases, then the result will often be your press release going nowhere.

Again, you can choose to use your own e-mail or even fax distribution of your press releases, but with the many free and pay press release services available, why would you? You can simply follow the rules that each PR distribution service lays out, plug in your text where it is asked for and with a few clicks of your mouse button, your news release is instantly sent out to numerous individuals, news agencies, and other media outlets. However you decide to do it, just be sure you are going about it in the proper manner.