February 14, 2025


Normal is boring

Cowgirl Fashion – Yesterday and Today

Cowgirls may be considered by many to be a rough and tough sort. After all, since the beginning of the century Cowgirls have been competing in dangerous rodeo events and doctoring cattle on the range right alongside men. We’ve seen the beauties of the west roping, riding and sometimes hitting the dirt! Always taking pride in their appearance, throughout history these women have made the range a more beautiful place to live. Just like western women of yesteryear, today’s cowgirls are poised and professional. Their spirit is strong and their beauty shines as bright as a west Texas sunset. But was that really beauty shining or a bling belt?

In the rodeo arena, western ladies fashion has always been a big part of the cowgirl image. Since the early 1900’s women involved in rodeo and wild west shows were truly showwomen. Commonly donning large hats, brightly colored cowgirl clothing featuring intricate embroidery and fringe laced gloves, these women were sure to attract attention – if not for their riding, roping and shooting skills, surely for their choice of attire.

Over the years cowgirl fashion has evolved and changed as fads come and go. Here to stay however is every woman’s desire to portray an image of who she is by what she wears. Popular choices for modern cowgirl clothing is funky unique clothing with a rock star flair. Turquoise cowgirl jewelry has been a staple in the women’s wardrobe of cowgirl accessories and will continue to be for years to come. The turquoise jewelry worn by western women often times is handmade on the Indian Reservations of the southwest. Today’s women of the west are proud of their western heritage and stand by their pledge to live by the cowboy creed of honesty and integrity. Many women display their way of life by choosing ornate chunky cowgirl jewelry, bling sandals and other fun western cowgirl accessories.

Some of the most trendy accessories are cowgirl bling belts which have gained popularity in the past few years. Call it cowgirl bling, sparkle, or glitter, the bottom line is – the brighter, the better! It’s not uncommon to see bling-adorned cowgirl purses, and turquoise bracelets beaded with crystal. The sparkles don’t stop there, however. Now more than ever it is common to see shirts featuring cowgirl bling cross or fleur de lis symbols. Western ladies fashion of today has a little bit of a dark side with skull and pistol decorated cowgirl hats and shirts being popular, especially with teenage fashionistas.

So where does the western woman of today find the hottest trends in western fashion? Western clothing stores and cowgirl boutiques are top choices to find great deals on clothing and more. To find the best selection of turquoise jewelry, cowgirl accessories and even western decor items, one might mosey on over to an online cowgirl boutique for some shopping fun.

Western women not only enjoy taking pride in looking their best, but it’s not unusual for them to put the same concentrated effort into adorning their western homes with rustic cowgirl home decor. The internet can also prove to be a great way to find not only cowgirl clothing but also rare and unique western home decor items. Popular choices for cowgirl decor include western themed tables, mirrors, decorative rope accents, western coat racks, lamps, and photo frames just to name a few.

It is said that the women who won the west shaped the world. There is more to being a cowgirl than winning belt buckles or wearing the latest fashions. Cowgirls are just as likely to get noticed because they are strong yet feminine, hardworking yet poised. They don’t mind getting dirt under her nails, although chances are they are perfectly polished (a good way to conceal the dirt!). Today’s cowgirls grab the traditions of yesterday and ride them in the future, they just happen to enjoy looking extra good doing it!